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Scraper Springs



100% owned, 1589 hectares, 190 unpatented claims


Multiple target types:

• Copper-Gold-Moly porphyry – New Focus

• Carlin-type Gold

• High sulphidation Gold

Huge alteration (~16 km2) footprint indicating large hydrothermal system centered on Bingham-age Eocene intrusions


Large scale lithocap setting with diatreme features suggesting possible buried porphyry system at depth

Comparable Alteration Footprint

ALt footprint.JPG
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Conceptual model - telescoped porphyry alteration system


Advanced argillic assemblage overprints

higher-temperature inner propylitic alteration?

Mag high “bullseye” suggests potassic core

with secondary magnetite

Work program:

•Historic data compilation - completed

•3D magnetic inversion modelling - underway

•Additional induced polarization (IP) geophysics or ground MT

•Initial 2-3 hole drill holes

Priority Copper Porphyry Target

Scraper Target.JPG
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Alteration and Geochemistry

Large scale zones of Cu, Mo and Au in soils and rocks

Complex magnetic signature with localized lows and highs

High temperature zunyite and pyrophyllite clays

Untested chargeability highs

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